Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SpsimpleportfolioHelper – FIX

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SpsimpleportfolioHelper – FIX

After update on Joomla 3.7 if you are using SP Portfolio, you will have some issues like

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SpsimpleportfolioHelper in /home/test/www/public_html/components/com_spsimpleportfolio/helpers/helper.php on line 13

so bellow is the fix:

Go to components/com_spsimpleportfolio/views/items/tmpl/default.php file and find bellow line:

require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . ‘/helpers/helper.php’;

Now cut above line and paste it in components/com_spsimpleportfolio/spsimpleportfolio.php file above this line: defined(‘_JEXEC’) or die();

Don’t forget if you have overwrite component portfolio, and you add in html folder from your theme, don’t forget to delete that row:



require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . ‘/helpers/helper.php’;

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